Postsecondary Enrollment Options (PSEO)

Students must notify their school by May 30, 2023, if they want to participate in PSEO for the following school year.  This is done by completing a PSEO Contract and the PSEO Notice of Student Registration Form (linked to the left) and turning the forms into your school guidance counselor.   

What is PSEO (Postsecondary Enrollment Options)?

  • Postsecondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) allows eligible high school sophomores (limited basis), juniors, and seniors to take courses, full- or part-time, through a postsecondary institution for both high school and college credit. Students can also take Minnesota North courses at their high schools through the Concurrent Enrollment program.
  • The PSEO program, funded through the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE), covers the high school student’s tuition and cost of textbooks for college-level courses (numbered 1000 level or higher). PSEO students are responsible for the cost of equipment that becomes their property, such as tools and computers. 

NOTE: Each college determines student eligibility.

Institutions Available: Visit the Minnesota Dept. of Education's Website  for an updated list of participating institutions.

Interested? Follow these steps:

  1. Discuss this option with your parent(s) or guardian
  2. Contact the college for PSEO application
  3. Once accepted, see your counselor to discuss credits, graduation requirements, etc.

The state's PSEO Notice of Student Registration form (ED-001763-19) must be completed and signed by your parent/guardian if under 18, and your counselor, before you register each semester to ensure the school district's payment of your tuition. After you register at the college, see your school counselor for a schedule change.

Download the PSEO Contract and PSEO Registration Form.

Costs: The costs of tuition, books and lab fees will be covered by the school district as part of your high school education. You will be responsible for payment of non-consumable tools and equipment. The books are to be returned to the college directly, as the books belong to the college. Failure to return books may result in a fine/fee or withholding of your transcript by the college.  If you have any questions regarding the mileage reimbursement for low-income students' participation in the PSEO program, contact Julie Belisle at 651-582-8265

Transportation Reimbursement for Qualified Students:

Funds are available to help pay transportation expenses for PSEO students whose families are at or below the poverty level, as determined by the federal government, to participate in PSEO courses on college campuses. 

There is no charge to PSEO students for tuition, books or fees for items that are required to participate in a course. Enrolling in a PSEO course does not prohibit a student from participating in activities sponsored by the high school. Funds are available to help pay transportation expenses for qualifying students to participate in PSEO courses on college campuses.

Grading: Grades are usually sent directly to the high school from the college after the completion of the course. However, students are ultimately responsible for making sure the high school receives the grades. All grades must be reported. The grades reported by the college are the grades placed on the student's high school transcript. 

Students should start by planning early. The State Department of Education requires that you notify your current school by May 30 of your intent to enroll in PSEO the following school year. The decision to participate is an important one. The student will be expected to be a responsible, self-starting, independent learner. Students should seek out additional information and counseling at the high school and at the post-secondary institution to ensure that they are making the best choice for themselves and their educational future.

Once you register for college courses, you have started a college transcript. All courses dropped in PSEO must be first approved by your high school counselor. It is essential that you follow this procedure when dropping/canceling a college class. As colleges have designated drop/withdrawal periods; failure to comply will result in a grade of "F" on your high school and college transcripts.

Colleges do have the right to restrict the number and kinds of courses PSEO students may take. You must manage your time, study more outside of class, and meet deadlines without reminders.

Minnesota High School League rules let you participate in extra-curricular activities or athletics at your high school OR postsecondary institution, but not both.

**For more information regarding PSEO Eligibility and Application process at MN North Itasca Campus, visit: